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On Legal Validity and Judgment Path of Valuation Adjustment Mechanism
作者 王東光
The rights involved in Valuation Adjustment Mechanism are the shareholder’s rights based on the identity of shareholder. The shareholder’s rights are derived from the company law and the company’s articles and can not be set through an agreement between company and shareholders. The venture capitalist cannot claim shareholder’s rights on the basis of Valuation Adjustment Mechanism. Therefore, the focus of judicial judgments on Valuation Adjustment Mechanism disputes is not on the effectiveness of the Valuation Adjustment Mechanism, the decisive factor is whether the rights claimed by the investor are based on the company’s articles. If the company’s articles do not incorporate the content of the Valuation Adjustment Mechanism, it should generally be considered that the company and its shareholders have modified the content of the Valuation Adjustment Mechanism with the company’s articles, and the Valuation Adjustment Mechanism has become invalid; if the investor objects to the amendment of the articles of association that do not absorb the content of the Valuation Adjustment Mechanism, the company’s liability for breach of contract can be claimed in accordance with the investment agreement.
起訖頁 124-137
關鍵詞 對賭協議估值調整風險投資股權投資股東valuation adjustmentventure capitalequity investmentshareholder’s rights
刊名 现代法学  
期數 202305 (2023:3期)
出版單位 西南政法大學
該期刊-上一篇 生成式人工智能的算法治理挑戰與治理型監管
該期刊-下一篇 資產管理人勤勉盡責義務的理論基礎與司法適用




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