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Constructing Indicators of Interpretative Competency about Metaphoric Images
作者 李佳蓉 (Jia Jung Lee)李俊儀 (Chun-Yi Lee)
Nowadays we live in an era of visual images. Most images contain visual metaphors and are the communication medium for young people. Many ideologies, symbols, and clues are also hidden in images, which affect imperceptibly young people's aesthetic and value judgments. Therefore, how to interpret images has become a vital teaching topic for current generation. From the cognitive perspective, the author examined aspects in which young people interpret contemporary metaphorical images. The study has developed tool and detected young people’s interpretative competency of visual images. Fourteen experts, including professors, lecturers, and teachers in the art area have participated in this research. Total 27 items in four aspects are developed through three rounds of questionnaires through Delphi technique. After analyzing expert opinions over three rounds, it is found that the consistency of expert opinions in the second round scale is better than the one round one. The results of this research can not only be used as a reference to explore young people’s competence to interpret contemporary metaphor images, but also as a scaffolding guide to enhancing the teaching methods of visual arts in the future. It will undoubtedly benefit subsequent researchers to further explore interpretation and meaning of metaphor images.
起訖頁 63-91
關鍵詞 德懷術隱喻影像隱喻影像解讀能力Delphi techniquemetaphoric imageInterpretative competency of metaphoric images
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202305 (4:3期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 國小國語文定期評量設計評析與建議:學以致用、以評促教
該期刊-下一篇 審定版教科書與「美感教科書」版面設計的美感原則之研究




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