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An Analysis on the Problems of Schools Teachers in Rural Areas and the Corresponding Solutions
作者 劉鎮寧 (Jen-Ning Liou)
The main purpose of this paper is to further reflect on the problems of rural school’s teachers. First, the problems of school teachers in rural areas was reviewed from five perspectives. Afterwards, the following six recommendations were made. (1) The implementation effectiveness of the Act for Education Development of Schools in Areas was examined from an evidence-based perspective, and the economic and non-economic policy benefits should be balanced. (2) A multiage teaching program should be established for national elementary and junior high school teachers to link the distribution of publicly funded students with the teacher selection process. (3) Experimental education alliances should be promoted for multiage teaching in rural schools, and joint efforts should be made in developing and promote experimental achievements in multiage teaching. (4) The professionalization and specialization of compulsory education advisory group members should be established to provide a local professional support system for teachers in rural areas. (5) The school-decided curriculum in rural schools should be reviewed to assist schools and teachers in valuing the professionalism and usefulness of the school-decided curriculum. (6) An answerability responsibility mechanism led by school principals in rural schools should be established to promote the development of school culture and the professional growth of teachers. Finally, the conclusion part is given.
起訖頁 1-16
關鍵詞 偏鄉學校偏鄉師資混齡教學rural schoolsrural teachersmultiage teaching
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202305 (4:3期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-下一篇 素養導向國小自然領域漸進式探究教學之設計與實踐




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