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A Study of The Island of Blooming Lycoris Radiata On the Other Side by Taiwanese――Japanese Writer Li Qinfeng――Kishu Ryūri(貴種流離)of Gender and the Twist of Utopia
作者 謝惠貞
Li Qinfeng, aTaiwanese-Japanese writer, became the first Taiwanese winner of the Akutagawa Prize in 2021.“The Island of Blooming Lycoris Radiata On the Other Side”(Bungeishunju, 2021;UNITAS Publishing Co. ,2022) is about ayoung girl, Umi, who lost her memory and was taken care of by ayoung islander, Yuna, and ayoung boy, Tatsu, after drifting to the Island from the Land of“Japan”(ひのもとぐに). She tried to integrate into the life on the island, where the priestesses were responsible for passing down history and keeping the society in order. As an outsider, when she was ordered to learn the“Jyogo”(female language) to become a“Noro”, she found that it was similar to her mother tongue. She also saw the absurdity that Tatsu, who deeply loved this island, couldn’t learn in the public because of his gender.
This article first attempts to clarify how the depiction of gender reversal as afeature of irony upon history and gender from the perspectives of the kishu ryūri (貴種流離), gender/queer theory, and (anti-)utopian studies. It also intends to elucidate how the commonalities between Okinawan and Taiwanese folklore give rise to the possibility and meaning of queer literature regarding the depiction of gender in novels. It then discusses how the work makes parody over utopia and portrays anti-utopia in order to infer the reversal and reconstruction of the two.
起訖頁 193-236
關鍵詞 貴種流離性別政治酷兒理論話語權(反)烏托邦kishu ryūri (貴種流離)gender politicsqueer theory ,discourse powerutopia/dystopia
刊名 臺北教育大學語文集刊  
期數 202306 (43期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學語文與創作學系
該期刊-上一篇 鄭觀應晚年宗教觀探究




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