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The Effect of Eight Weeks Tee Ball Program to element school children Agility
作者 張顥霖蔡俊賢
本研究主要目的在探討運動課程介入對國小男女童敏捷性提升之效果。本研究以屏東縣國小三年級男、女童各30名,總共60名學童為研究對象,進行每週五天的樂樂棒球運動課程,每次30分鐘,共為期八週,並於實驗前、後進行國小男女童敏捷性測驗,所獲得資料以SPSS 22.0版統計軟體處理各項資料,藉以描述性分析國小男女童敏捷性之平均數、標準差;混和設計雙因子變異數分析不同組別其樂樂棒球運動課程介入對敏捷性提升之效果分析。本研究重要結論如下:樂樂棒球運動課程介入對不同組別學生敏捷性有顯著提升。樂樂棒球運動課程介入對國小學童基本運動能力有正面提升之效果,建議學校體育課程方面可多安排運動課程介入,藉此培養規律運動習慣,增進國小生基本運動能力。
The main purpose of this study is to explore the effect of Tee Ball Program to element school children agility. In this study, the experimental group of 30 third-grade selected students of XX elementary school in Pingtung County. The experimental group took Tee Ball Program five days a week for 30 minutes each time, and 30 third-grade students of elementary school were randomly sampled as the control group. A total of eight-weeks, and before, during and after the experiment, agility tests were carried out. To compute averages and standard deviation scores through descriptive statistics ; the mixed design two-factor analysis of variance was used to analyze the effect of different groups among agility tests. The conclusions of this study were as follows: Tee Ball Program intervention had significantly improved the agility in different groups. Tee Ball Program intervention had a positive effect on the agility of elementary school children. It is recommended that school physical education curricular can arrange more exercise program interventions, so as to cultivate regular exercise habits, enhance resistance and improve elementary school students’ agility.
起訖頁 17-26
關鍵詞 運動介入小學敏捷性Tee Ball ProgramElementary schoolAgility
刊名 屏東大學體育  
期數 202306 (9期)
出版單位 國立屏東大學
該期刊-上一篇 高齡族群平衡能力與跌倒相關性之探討
該期刊-下一篇 應用接觸理論提高融合體育師生之正向態度




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