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The “Problem of China” in the Study of the History of Korean Science: Korean Science, Chinese Science, and East Asian Science
The “Problem of China” in the Study of the History of Korean Science: Korean Science, Chinese Science, and East Asian Science
作者 金永植
Because of the Chinese origin of many ideas and artefacts in traditional Korean science, and the overwhelming Chinese influence on its development, the history of Korean science suffers from a kind of identity problem--the problem of whether traditional Korean science should be considered a part of Chinese science. Jeon Sang-woon, for example, begins his account of traditional Korean science by referring to its history as“a tributary of the mainstream of scientific developments in traditional China.”But Jeon quickly adds that Koreans did not merely adopt ideas and techniques from China, but modified them and adapted them to their own needs and conditions. This led to many“independent”developments of Korean science, and often to new discoveries and inventions.
起訖頁 185-198
刊名 古今論衡  
期數 200810 (18期)
出版單位 中央研究院歷史語言研究所
該期刊-上一篇 When Chinese Medicine became Chinese: Attributions of Nationality from Inside and Outside
該期刊-下一篇 National Narrative and the Historiography of Chinese Science




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