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Writing and Historical Research
Writing and Historical Research
作者 陳弱水 (Jo-shui Chen)
This paper offers some personal thoughts on the relationship between writing and historical research. ''Writing'' in historical studies can mean a number of things. It can simply stand for ways of looking at the human past or ways of choosing significant issues to explore. So, how to ''write'' may mean how to ''construct'' pictures of history that are meaningful. ''Writing'' in historical studies may also refer to ways of presenting or organizing historical knowledge. ''Writing'' in this sense could be applied to tasks such as the writing of general histories and history textbooks. Actually, in the past, the whole enterprise of historical study often came under the banner of ''writing history'' or ''historical writing.''
起訖頁 23-30
刊名 古今論衡  
期數 200307 (9期)
出版單位 中央研究院歷史語言研究所
該期刊-上一篇 「元氣淋滴」與「絕大文字」──梁啟超及「史界革命」的另一面
該期刊-下一篇 Writing History or Collecting Facts? Different Ways of Representing Modern Chinese Rebellions




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