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Historical Sources Used by Tseng Ching in his Take on the Yung Cheng Emperor
Historical Sources Used by Tseng Ching in his Take on the Yung Cheng Emperor
作者 Jonathan Spence (Jonathan Spence)
Today I wish to present some of my own thoughts on the Emperor Yung Cheng. I would like to open up some ideas and then ask for your help in the discussion. I should also add that in dealing with the Emperor Yung Cheng, I am in quite dangerous territory. I am a Kang Hsi man and I find Kang Hsi very sympathetic whereas I find Yung Cheng very unsympathetic. Yet, as I have begun trying to work for the first time seriously on Yung Cheng I find him infinitely more interesting than I expected. I think probably in the history of Chinese rulers, at least those I have come across, Yung Cheng has perhaps a very special place.
起訖頁 44-61
刊名 古今論衡  
期數 199906 (2期)
出版單位 中央研究院歷史語言研究所
該期刊-上一篇 陶希聖論中國社會史
該期刊-下一篇 黃書、合氣與其他──道教過度儀的思想史研究




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