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Evaluating the Establishment of a Tephritidae Pest Free Production Site for Cherry Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) in the Protected Greenhouse
作者 黃秀雯 (Hsiu-Wen Huang)周明儀林宇盛簡秀蓉陳昇寬
為增加我國優良果品外銷機會與促進農民收益,評估拓展小果番茄鮮果外銷日本,因我國為果實蠅科(Tephritidae)害蟲瓜實蠅(Zeugodacus cucurbitae Coquillett)與東方果實蠅(Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel)疫區,日本為非疫區而禁止臺灣小果番茄鮮果輸入,評估以非疫生產點(a pest free production site)方式驗證設施可防堵果實蠅科入侵。國際植物防疫檢疫措施標準(International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, ISPM)第26號規範,至少持續12個月無發現該害蟲可稱為非疫區。本試驗以懸掛誘殺器與檢查果實以調查設施內果實蠅科的發生,並以小果番茄盆栽植株測試東方果實蠅與瓜實蠅是否危害。設施(代碼)WGTA與LGTA分別累計27與15個月,均無誘殺器捕獲東方果實蠅與瓜實蠅,果實檢查亦無疑似被害情形。寄主選擇性試驗之結果顯示,瓜實蠅產卵於小果番茄果實,孵出之幼蟲可以發育羽化至成蟲;不管是否有其它寄主可選擇,東方果實蠅不產卵危害小果番茄植株。儘管瓜實蠅可危害小果番茄,調查顯示設施可防堵其入侵危害,我國能生產符合檢疫規定的安全果品,依本研究結果提出小果番茄非疫生產點設施之條件:防蟲網至少32網目(0.61mm以下)防果實蠅科害蟲入侵,於必要時設施可密閉消毒,出入口設置為雙重門,若為單門則出入口交錯設置兩塊32目防蟲網以避免害蟲入侵。此研究資料可做為向日本爭取輸銷小果番茄之有利佐證。
In Taiwan, the presence of Zeugodacus cucurbitae Coquillett and Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel (Diptera: Tephritidae) on cherry tomato has been the major barrier for the cherry tomato growers to export the global market to Japan. It requires a phytosanitary certificate for tephritid pests. In this study, we evaluated the potential of establishing a pest-free production site in a protected greenhouse for cherry tomato production to meet the requirement of International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPM 26). The improved McPhail trap and fruit survey were used to investigate the presence of tephritid pests in the protected greenhouses. Potted cherry tomato plants were used for the host selection of Z. cucurbitae and B. dorsalis. Delimiting surveys conducted on two production sites showed zero catch of either Z. cucurbitae or B. dorsalis for consecutive 27 months (production site # WGTA) and 15 months (production site # LGTA), respectively. Fruit survey data from the two production sites also showed no infestation of the two tephritid pests. Laboratory studies showed that Z. cucurbitae laid eggs and completed its life cycle in cherry tomato fruits. In contrast, B. dorsalis did not oviposit into cherry tomatoes in our cage studies. The results demonstrated that using protected greenhouses as a quarantine physical barrier was effective to eliminate the invasion of Z. cucurbitae and B. dorsalis. Therefore we propose the criteria to set up a pest-free greenhouse for cherry tomatoes. The insect-proof net should be of 32 meshes or less (mesh diameter of 0.61mm and below) to prevent the intrusion of tephritid pests; the greenhouse could be sealed for disinfection; the entrance should be double doors, or a single door covered with two sheets of 32-mesh insect-proof net overlapped at the entrance. The results from this study provide good evidence for establishing a pest-free production site for the cherry tomato for export.
起訖頁 71-82
關鍵詞 東方果實蠅瓜實蠅國際植物防疫檢疫措施標準第26號防蟲網寄主植物Bactrocera dorsalis HendelZeugodacus cucurbitae CoquillettISPM 26insect-proof nethost plant
刊名 臺灣園藝  
期數 202206 (68:2期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 無人飛行載具影像於十字花科大宗蔬菜種類及生育期判釋應用
該期刊-下一篇 光度與養液濃度對女王鹿角蕨生長及光合作用之影響




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