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Ballistie Metric Camera:the Photogrammetric Satellite Positioning System in the 1970s In Memory of Late Prof. Lung Chang Chou
作者 史天元
「彈道量測相機」(Ballistic metric camera),是以攝影測量方式,進行衛星追蹤,以達成大區域,甚至是全球尺度之三角測量的儀器。由「彈道量測相機」組成的站網,是1970 年代的衛星定位系統。藉由具有穩定內方位的量測型相機之優異光學性能,攝取包含人造衛星軌跡的星空相片,經由多站的聯測,而達成控制網系的設定。現今國立成功大學測量工程學系系館一樓所陳列的Zeiss BMK A2/46/18,即為一台「彈道量測相機」。該相機攝影時所使用的承像基底,為求其穩定,採用玻璃版。本文目的在介紹「彈道量測相機」及其功能。成功大學所陳列的Zeiss BMK A2/46/18,為由周龍章教授於1972 年採購,是周教授在衛星大地科學領域研究的重要設備。周龍章教授於2022 年10 月1 日離世,謹以此文向周老師致敬。
Ballistic metric camera is the equipment used for satellite tracking in the 1970s serving large area, even global, geodetic network survey based on the principle of photogrammetry. A metric camera with superior stability of interior orientation was employed to scan the sky so the track of satellites can be recorded by photos. A network of observation stations scattered around globally was teamed for geodesy missions. This is the pioneering satellite positioning system in the 1970s. The Zeiss BMK A2/46/18 camera, located in the exhibition room in ground floor of Department of Geomatics, National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Tainan, Taiwan, is a camera this kind of the satellite tracking system. A glass-based photographic plate was adopted for the stability. This note introduces the ballistic metric camera and how it functioned. The BMK owned by NCKU was purchased in 1972 and served as an important equipment for the research in the field of Satellite Geodesy of Prof. Lung Chang Chou, who passed away in October 1, 2022. This writing is dedicated to Prof. Chou with deep remembrance.
起訖頁 1-10
關鍵詞 衛星追蹤星體三角測量大地測量Satellite trackingStellar triangulationGeodesy
刊名 地籍測量  
期數 202303 (42:1期)
出版單位 中華民國地籍測量學會
該期刊-下一篇 「Hydrography」內涵與中譯探討




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