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Research on Case Management Strategy of B&B Industry Promoting Sport Tourism Service
作者 鄧建中丁一倫
This study mainly discusses the strength and weakness of B&B in promoting sport tourism services, the opportunity and threat in the external environment, and the business strategies adopted. In this study, the top ten popular case B&B selected by the Tourism Bureau of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications as the research object, and used in-depth interviews and strategy analysis to collect and analyze data. The results of the study were as following: The product strategy of promoting sport tourism service in the case of B&B was to combine the original accommodation, catering and unique local resources, and then cooperate with the sport tourism industry to provide sport tourism service, so that the residents participating in sport tourism can obtain a more perfect and warm service experience. In terms of price strategy, the housing price adopts the medium price pricing strategy, while the sport tourism service charges according to the market price. In terms of promotion strategy, it mainly focuses on Internet and word-of-mouth marketing. In terms of place strategy, home page, Facebook fan page and talk on the phone to direct communication with consumers. The case of B&B cooperated with the sport tourism industry to provide sport tourism services, which expanded the content of B&B services without spending too much resources, and also attracted many residents to stay and participate in sport tourism activities. This not only brings a stable housing rate for individual B&B, but also provides many service opportunities for strategic alliance sport tourism industry.
起訖頁 1-18
關鍵詞 運動觀光民宿業行銷策略Sport TourismB&B IndustryMarketing Strategy
刊名 餐旅暨觀光  
期數 202012 (17:2期)
出版單位 國立高雄餐旅大學
該期刊-下一篇 顧客對米其林星級與必比登推介餐廳態度之研究




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