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An empirical study on the service quality, satisfaction and loyalty of Chinese individual visitor in Taiwan
作者 歐陽怡郭英之林東興
The development of sightseeing and tourism is a critical economic issue for Taiwan and Mainland China. Since the first cross-strait charter flight started, the number of Chinese tourists travelling to Taiwan has surged, and tourism-related products also feature cultural richness and diversity. Taiwan's service skills as a "soft power" are highly appraised. However, the application of service quality remains limited in terms of evaluating Chinese tourists' self-help trip to Taiwan. The present study adopted field trip questionnaires to survey Chinese self-help tourists for their opinions about Taiwan's service quality. The key findings are as follows. Firstly, response and guarantee in the five indicators of service quality are not significant, and service quality influences tourists' levels of satisfaction. Secondly, tourists' levels of satisfaction positively influence their loyalty. Thirdly, service quality positively influences tourists' loyalty. Through the improvement of service quality for Taiwan's tourism, Chinese tourists' confidence in travelling in Taiwan will be gradually boosted for a more sustainable, stable development of tourism with the business environmental changes.
起訖頁 23-45
關鍵詞 服務品質自由行滿意度重遊意願Service qualityforeign individual touristssatisfactionrevisit intention
刊名 餐旅暨觀光  
期數 202006 (17:1期)
出版單位 國立高雄餐旅大學
該期刊-上一篇 餐飲業網路外賣信任機制之研究:以Uber Eats為例
該期刊-下一篇 回憶的具象化:以食物特產與伴手禮觀點探討在地伴手禮的發展




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