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Utilizing an Online Three-tier Training Model to Enhance Knowledge of Positive Behavior Support among Junior High School General Education Teachers
作者 潘淳威王慧婷 (Hui-Ting Wang)蔡淑妃吳佩芳
正向行為支持可有效預防行為問題、促進正向行為,為強化教師執行正向行為支持的專業知能,在職訓練是關鍵的一環,然而過往一次性的研習成效不彰,故本研究欲採取具有延續性的三級模式,並將之融入線上平台,依序以自學、團體工作坊、一對一教練方式來協助國中教師研習正向行為支持。本研究採單一受試研究之變更情境設計,探討線上教師訓練三級介入模式提升6 名國中普通班教師正向行為支持知識之歷程以及看法,透過視覺分析量化資料,並統整參與者回饋等相關質性資料,研究發現:(1) 2/6 位教師於次級達通過標準;(2) 5/6 位教師提升相關專業知能;(3) 5/5 位認同以行為技能訓練融入教材與教學有助於學習與操作,4/5 位教師對本教材持肯定態度;(4) 4/5 位教師認同線上三級模式滿足各種學習風格並提供不同程度的支持;(5) 4/5 位教師介入後更願意在未來應用正向行為支持,並有信心以此預防行為問題。此為國內首篇採用三級培訓模式,點出了該模式實用性,以及多元進修和示範演練的重要性,建議未來擴增三級介入的規模人數、強化行為技能訓練的完整性、深化教材內容。
Positive behavior support (PBS) has been widely emerged as an effective framework to support positive behaviors and address challenging behaviors. To effectively implement PBS, professional development is essential for teachers. However, research indicates that one-time workshops have limited effectiveness. Thus, the purpose of this study was to employ an online three-tier teacher training (3TTT) model to implement a PBS curriculum, and to explore its effects on the knowledge improvement among six general education teachers. The three-tier model consisted of asynchronous self-study, synchronous group workshop, and one-on-one coaching. Using a single-subject changing conditions design, quantitative data were visually analyzed, and qualitative data as well as participant feedback were integrated to support the findings of the study. The findings revealed that: 1) Two out of six teachers met the response criteria at Tier 2, 2) knowledge improved for five out of six teachers, with two teachers meeting the response criteria, 3) all five teachers agreed that applying behavioral skills training was beneficial for learning and practice, and four teachers had a positive attitude towards the PBS curriculum, 4) four out of five teachers agreed that the online 3TTT model aligned with their learning styles and preferences, and provided different levels of support, and 5) four out of five teachers believed that PBS was helpful in managing student behavior problems, expressed willingness to use it in the future, and demonstrated confidence in preventing potential behavior problems. This study represents the first in Taiwan utilizing the three-tier training model. The findings highlighted the utility of three-tier model, the importance of diverse learning resources, and the necessity of behavior skills training. Future research may consider expanding the scale of the 3TTT, strengthening behavior skill training through practical skill practice, extending PBS curriculum and exploring changes in teacher behavior.
起訖頁 1-38
關鍵詞 三級介入模式正向行為支持單一受試普通班教師線上培訓general education teacheronline trainingpositive behavior supportsingle-subject designthree-tier model
刊名 教育實踐與研究  
期數 202306 (36:1期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學
該期刊-下一篇 努力有用乎?教師能力觀、努力觀、社群共學觀及學習者中心教學觀對課程變革行為意向之影響




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