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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
Medication Safety Improvement Project for Home-Based Elderly Patients in the Cardiology Ward |
作者 |
郭怡妏、李怡萱 (Yi-Hsuan Lee)、黃郁喬 (Yu-Chiao Huang)、張仁瑛、黃秋玲 |
中文摘要 |
本專案為提升老年病人居家用藥安全,而病房內老年慢性病人有66%危險用藥情形,調查用藥認知正確率僅38.4%,用藥行為正確率42.9%,護理人員執行出院用藥護理指導完整性69.6%。高齡病人的居家用藥安全應從入院開始介入,故引發改善動機。資料收集用藥正確性低的原因包括:缺乏出院用藥護理指導流程、老年病人用藥認知不足、缺乏血壓及血糖記錄本等。修訂出院用藥指導流程、建構病房常用藥物資料、設計翻翻書圖卡、舉辦教育訓練及提供血壓/血糖登記本、敬老袋等措施,老年病人出院用藥安全認知正確率提升至85.8%;用藥行為正確率提升至94.6%;護理人員執行出院用藥指導完整性提升至88.9%。期望未來將老年病人用藥安全延伸至門診,減少老年病人住院機率。 |
英文摘要 |
The subject of this study aims to improve the safety of home medication for elderly patients. However 66% of elderly chronic patients in the hospital have drug abuse issues and only 38.4% of the correct rate of medication cognition in the survey. The proper rate of medication use is 42.9%. Of all the patients that are discharged, 69.6% of them have had guidance from medical staff. Elderly should be educated in regards to home medication from admission which will result in improved home medications. The reasons for the low accuracy of data collection and medication include: lack of discharge medication nursing guidance process、elderly patients lack knowledge of medication、lack of blood pressure and blood sugar records etc. Revision of the discharge medication guidance process: Listing of commonly used medication in hospitals、Design flip cards、arrangement of educational training and to provide blood pressure / blood sugar record、Elderly education kits. The ideal medication usage for elderly discharged patients should increase to 85.8%. The recommended rate of medication usage should increase to 94.6%. Medication guidance by medical staff should increase to 88.9%.Ideally medicinal usage for elderly patients will be extended to outpatient clinics in the future thus reducing hospitalization for elderly patients. |
起訖頁 |
84-99 |
關鍵詞 |
老年病人、多重用藥、用藥安全、Elderly Patients、Polypharmacy、Medication Safety |
刊名 |
醫療品質 |
期數 |
202306 (11:2期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
以品管圈手法提升全膝關節置換術後膝屈曲角度達成率 |