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Revisiting Jing Shi Tu Shu Guan Shan Ben Jian Ming Shu Mu—An Investigation of Wang Mao-Rong’s Compilation History
作者 林振岳
During Jiang Han’s (江瀚) tenure as director of the Jing Shi Library from 1912 to 1913, the library compiled two “Jing Shi Tu Shu Guan Shan Ben Jian Ming Shu Mu (京師圖書館善本簡明書 目).” For a long time, scholars have confused the two versions, believing that they were both compiled by Jiang Han and collectively referred to as “Jiang Mu” (“Jiang’s Version”; 江目). Nowadays the two bibliographies exist in four editions, in the National Library of China in Beijing and in the Keio Institute of Oriental Classics in Japan respectively. Via a survey of the extant editions and a comparison of the documentary records, it can be confirmed that the “Jian Ming Shu Mu” compiled during Jiang Han’s tenure exists in two types: a simplified version and a comprehensive version. The simplified version was compiled by Wang Mao-Rong (王懋鎔), a librarian, while the comprehensive version was compiled by Jiang Han using the simplified version as a base and reworking it according to Miao Quan-Sun’s (繆荃孫) “Qing Xue Bu Tu Shu Guan Shan Ben Shu Mu (清學部圖書館善本 書目).” The article also briefly describes the biographical data of Wang Mao-Rong and provides a historical account of his compilation of the Jian Ming Shu Mu.
起訖頁 169-194
關鍵詞 江瀚王懋鎔京師圖書館善本書目圖書館史Jiang HanWang Mao-RongJing Shi LibraryRare Books BibliographyLibrary History
刊名 圖書資訊學刊  
期數 202306 (21:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣犯罪學開放研究資料及典藏庫實踐:信任、契約與價值的流動




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