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圖書資訊學刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Why Are Filipino Academic Librarians Reluctant to Do Research? Investigating the Realities
作者 Irving Domingo L. Rio (Irving Domingo L. Rio)Allana S. Delgado (Allana S. Delgado)
菲律賓圖書館員在法定及個人層面上皆須有研究產出。然而,很少館員產出研究成果。本研究從館員的實務經驗出發,以了解限制館員無法從事研究的原因為何。本研究透過線上訪談菲律賓怡朗市(Iloilo City)三所私立大學共7位學術圖書館員,綜整受訪者的經驗整理出5項館員不願做研究的主要原因:(1)缺乏研究能力;(2)缺乏行政單位的支持;(3)缺乏研究指導;(4)圖書館的例行工作/多元任務繁重;(5)對自憐與失望的應對。本研究以詮釋主義為基礎,調查發展中國家之圖書館員不願進行研究的原因,並為此提供了不同觀點。
In the Philippines, the need for librarians to conduct research is both statutory and personal. Despite the impetus, few Filipino librarians embark on research. This study attempts to describe the lived experiences of librarians focusing on the angle that limits them to conduct research. Interviews were conducted online with 7 academic librarians from 3 private universities in Iloilo City. Facts about the reality formed from the respondents’ experiences answered the essential question why librarians are reluctant to conduct research. Five major themes emerged: (1) research competency; (2) inadequate formalized support from the administration for librarians; (3) research mentorship; (4) library routine work/multitasking functions; and (5) coping with self-pity and disappointment. The findings from this study, which is anchored on interpretivism, provide insights to a different perspective of investigating the realities in a developing country delving into a deeper discussion on the reasons behind their reluctance.
起訖頁 17-33
關鍵詞 學術圖書館員研究產出研究支持研究能力現象學Academic LibrariansResearch OutputResearch SupportResearch CompetencyPhenomenology
刊名 圖書資訊學刊  
期數 202306 (21:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系
該期刊-上一篇 重新審視Girvan-Newman演算法的研究主題分析:以圖書資訊學研究為例
該期刊-下一篇 國民政府行政院會議紀錄研究(1928-1947)──兼論國家發展委員會檔案管理局藏《行政院會議議事紀錄》之版本、現況與價值




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