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The Shaping of Chinese Settlements under the Development of the Kukup Area
作者 陳國川白偉權
In 1844, the Kangchu system was launched in Johor by Temenggong to encourage the influx of Chinese entrepreneurs from Singapore. Due to the difficulties and environmental restrictions, Chinese entrepreneurs tended to settle down in the hinterland rather than the swampy and low-lying coastal areas, most of which still remained undeveloped until the end of the 19th century. It was not until 1878, when a Singapore-based merchant, Syed Muhammad bin Alsagoff, obtained a Surat Sungai from the hand of Temenggong, that the fate of this area began to change.
In these swampy coastal areas along the Malacca Straits, Chinese entrepreneurs did not settle down under the structure of the (Chinese based) Kangchu System. These areas were already well developed, as canals, plantations and many Chinese settlements already existed there by the mid-20th century. This article aims not only to investigate the process of developing these low, swampy areas but also to discuss the development of Chinese settlements on non-Chinese territory. The experience of the Kukup area will be examined through the approach of historical geography.
起訖頁 53-115
關鍵詞 龜咯天猛公港主制度港主港腳KukupTemenggongKangchu Systemkangchukangkar
刊名 亞太研究論壇  
期數 201612 (63期)
出版單位 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心亞太區域研究專題中心
該期刊-上一篇 新加坡華語戲劇的左翼現代性實踐:以表演藝術學院為例(1965–1976)
該期刊-下一篇 倫敦會傳教士米憐在馬六甲地區活動研究(1815–1822)




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