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A New Strategic Thinking for Cross-Strait Relations
作者 林碧炤
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the need for adopting a new strategic thinking after the rapid improvement of cross-Strait relations after 2008. An analysis of the changing cross-Strait relations is needed to facilitate the discussion. This paper also compares the old strategic thinking to the new one which reflects the changes of international and regional politics and cross-Strait relations after 2008.
There are four elements immanent in the new thinking: (1) The stability in the strait area is based on the peace of the status quo, security and engagements. (2) After the expansion and development of cross-Strait relations, Taiwan needs to maintain its internal consensus so as to forge a harmonious society. (3) The nature of cross-Strait relations is not “Finlandization”, but “Taiwanization” with the economics as its core and then the common drive toward modernization by both sides of the strait. (4) Both sides should pay special attention to non-traditional security issues and work closely with other countries in the region.
This paper also explains the fundamental purpose of searching for a new strategic thinking, that is, to maintain the status quo and provide the basic rationale for a new cross-Strait policy from Taiwan’s perspective. The possibility of war still exists in the Taiwan Strait area, but to maintain security is more urgent than fighting a war. To live peacefully with your rivals is more difficult than defeating them.
起訖頁 1-16
關鍵詞 舊安全觀新安全觀台海現狀和平研究非傳統安全old security thinkingnew security thinkingthe Taiwan Strait status quopeace researchnon-traditional security
刊名 亞太研究論壇  
期數 201109 (53期)
出版單位 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心亞太區域研究專題中心
該期刊-下一篇 中共和平發展戰略下之對台政策




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