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China’s Voting Behaviors of Peacekeeping Issues in UN Security Council
作者 許志吉
The United Nations is one of the most important multilateral institutions in the international society. After the end of Cold War, this institution has gained rebirth due to the need to manage more and more global interdependence and complicated international issues. The evolution of China’s UN policy can be viwed as a good model to illustrate China’s changing behavior patterns of participation of international community. This article tries to analyze China’s voting behaviors of UN peacekeeping issues in UN Security Council during different period of time. Traditionally, scholars tend to cite China’s official policy claims and documents to illustrate the evolution of China’s foreign policy. The author argues that it is important to realize how China will vote and speak to peacekeeping issues in UN Security Council. This paper takes four steps to illustrate such trends. First, it introduces the origins and characteristics of voting system in UN Security Council. Secondly, it briefs the principles and development of UN peacekeeping operations. Thirdly, it tests China’s peacekeeping policies by gathering China’s voting behaviors and explanation of peacekeeping issues in UN Security Council. Finally, it summarizes some principles of China’s strategic consideration for peacekeeping issues. By doing so, this article sharps a more delicate and profound framework for the evolution of China’s peacekeeping policy.
起訖頁 75-110
關鍵詞 聯合國安理會維和行動投票行為憲章第七章UN Security CouncilPeacekeeping OperationVoting BehaviorsChapter 7 of UN Charter
刊名 東亞研究  
期數 201007 (41:2期)
出版單位 國立政治大學東亞研究所
該期刊-上一篇 大陸預算外資金問題研析與長期效應之研究
該期刊-下一篇 政治正當性與中國政治發展




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