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Development Trend of Corporatism in the Chinese Communist Party from the View of Rural Technology Associations in Mainland China --- An Example for the Analysis of Rural Technology Associations in Handan, Hebei Province
作者 朱道亞
During the planned economy period, the Chinese Communist Party implemented a policy of planned purchase and supply for agricultural products, which broke off the link between peasants and the market. Since the adoption of a reform and opening policy, the implementation of a household contracting responsibility system has led peasants to become independent proprietors once again. With the deepening of the market economy, the contradiction between the petty-farmer management of a single family and the market are becoming increasingly obvious. In order to cope with the changing market, Chinese peasants voluntarily established professional institutions of various types for the purpose of the improvement of market competition. Facing rural new circumstance, Chinese Communist party, on the one hand, actively provides varied assistance to promote the development of the China Rural Special Technology Association, on the other hand, enforce duel-management system to intensify it control. From the standpoint of China Rural Special Technology Association, the assistance received from government can offer Association many technical and monetary resources, so make association accept the management from government. Thus the relationship between government and association becomes a new kind of cooperation. This thesis analyzes, from the viewpoint of corporatism, the underlying causes, the existing circumstances, the relationship with government and the development of the China Rural Special Technology Association based on the analysis of the general aspects of the Rural Special Technology Association in Handan, Hebei Province.
起訖頁 123-171
關鍵詞 農民專業協會組合主義農業政策Rural Technology AssociationsCorporatismAgricultural Policy
刊名 東亞研究  
期數 200707 (38:2期)
出版單位 國立政治大學東亞研究所
該期刊-上一篇 「發展型國家」理論的回顧及其在中國研究適用性之探討




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