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Suggestions on the Modification of Taiwan's Maritime Law Relating to Carriage of Passengers
作者 張志清
Article 79 of Taiwan's Maritime Act provides:" Unless otherwise provided in this Section, the provisions of Section I of this Chapter apply mutatis mutandis to the carriage of passengers." However, there exists significant differences between the carriage of goods and the carriage of passengers. It is impractical and unreasonable to apply those provisions of carriage of goods upon carriage of passengers. This article compares the contents of two suggested modification versions, as well as the relevant provisions of mainland China's Maritime Law, aiming to provide suggestions on relevant regulations in Taiwan's Maritime Act, including the scope of application, doctrine of privity of contract carrier's legal obligations and liabilities, passengers, obligations, nature of passenger ticket as well as claims for compensation. This article aims to provide reference for modifying Taiwan's Maritime Act in order to comply with the tendency of international legislation and protect passengers, legal interests.
起訖頁 55-77
關鍵詞 旅客運送海商法修正雅典公約Carriage of Passengers by SeaModification of Maritime LawAthens Convention
刊名 航運季刊  
期數 202103 (30:1期)
出版單位 中華民國航運學會
該期刊-上一篇 客輪業者無預警停航之消費者保護機制研究
該期刊-下一篇 動態定位系統運作暨操作人員之職前訓練




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