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Consensus Politics in the Urban Political Arena: Implications for Urban Development in the Greater Taipei Metropolitan Region
Consensus Politics in the Urban Political Arena: Implications for Urban Development in the Greater Taipei Metropolitan Region
作者 Chantalle Elisabeth Rietdijk (Chantalle Elisabeth Rietdijk)
This study investigates the urban development views and priorities of city councillors in New Taipei City and Taipei City by analysing election statements of candidates participating in the local elections of 2018, and conducting in-depth interviews with elected city councillors. The urban development discourse presents as a business-as-usual approach based in a consensus on good urban development, rather than transformative action. The cause for this consensus is partly explained by the functioning of the urban political arena, where silencing and exclusion of divergent ideas are present, and partly by the presence of national divides and issues in the local arena. Taiwan, as a young democracy, faces extra challenges in ensuring that transformative discourses enter the political debate. The implications of a consensus on urban development rooted in neoliberalism are presented and compared along theory by Swyngedouw (2007) on post-political cities in Western countries. Lastly, politicisation of the urban political arena is suggested as beneficial for development towards a more just and sustainable city, as well as benefiting democratisation on the local scale.
起訖頁 97-120
關鍵詞 democratisationpluralismneoliberalismurban governanceright to the city
刊名 地理研究  
期數 202211 (76期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學地理學系
該期刊-上一篇 草莽進城,藝術下鄉:舞台車的跨域變身與場面塑造
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣民眾對於氣候變遷看法的受眾分層




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