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Comparison of Trends in the Degree of Publication Diversity among Fields of Social Sciences and Humanities at National Taiwan University
作者 張郁蔚蘇鈺淳
本研究檢視國立臺灣大學隸屬社會科學及人文科學之11個科系教師,於2000至2007年產出之各種著作的出版品多樣性程度逐年變化情形。在20種著作中,除戲劇系外,期刊文章是各系最普及之出版品類型,占各系出版品20.8%至95.4%,而經濟系及圖書資訊學系主要將文章發表在Journal Citation Reports收錄之Q1至Q2較高等級期刊,不同於其他系主要發表在TSSCI及THCI國內較高等級期刊。除人類系及戲劇系外,圖書章節是9個系次高之出版品類型。人文科學之科系傾向比社會科學科系有較高的出版品多樣性程度,其中歷史系最高、經濟系最低。在國際化浪潮及研究獎勵機制驅使下,出版品類型之縮減趨勢在預期之中,但此情形未出現於人類系及社會系,而除中文系及戲劇系外,各系教師出版更多英文著作。
This study reviewed the annual changes in the degree of publication diversity among all types of written works produced by faculty members from 11 fields of the social sciences and humanities (SSH) at National Taiwan University over the period of 2000-2017. Among the 20 types of written pieces identified, journal articles were the most prevalent for each of the 11 fields except drama and theater. Among the 20 types, a significant difference in the proportion of journal articles, ranging from 20.8% to 95.4%, was observed among distinct fields. The faculties of economics and library and information science were dedicated to publishing articles in top-tier journals indexed by Journal Citation Reports, whereas faculties focused on other fields preferred to publish in domestic top-tier journals. Book chapters were the second most common type for nine fields (all excluding anthropology and drama and theater). The majority of fields of the humanities had higher degrees of publication diversity than the social sciences fields. History and economics exhibited the highest and lowest degrees of publication diversity, respectively. With the promotion of internationalization, a decreasing trend in the diversity of output was anticipated. However, this did not occur in either the anthropology or sociology fields. Moreover, the research incentive system, which emphasized international visibility, boosted the number of English-language writings, but this trend was not observed in the two fields of Chinese literature or drama and theater.
起訖頁 29-54
關鍵詞 出版品類型出版語言社會科學人文科學出版品多樣性程度Publication TypePublication LanguageSocial SciencesHumanitiesDegree of Publication Diversity
刊名 圖書資訊學刊  
期數 202212 (20:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系
該期刊-上一篇 數位人文研究平臺支援探究式學習促進學生的歷史調查成效
該期刊-下一篇 泰國原生種稻米知識本體的發展




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