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The Buddhist Elements in Ivan Bunin’s Literary Works
作者 劉心華
伊凡•布寧(Иван Алексеевич Бунин, 1870-1953)是俄國第一位獲得諾貝爾文學獎的作家,晚年流亡法國;年輕時就受到托爾斯泰的影響,崇尚佛教思想,隨後親身到印度和錫蘭探索佛家的哲學思想,因此他的作品不僅具以文學的藝術性,而且也以嚴謹的哲學思想著稱。一般認為,布寧的散文和詩歌,繼承了俄羅斯的古典傳統,反映著自然與人文的豐富情懷,其文詞之美,曾被公認為語言中最豐富的創作,並被譽為「布寧錦緞」。 布寧作品的題材內容非常豐富,包括人生中無可避免的「死亡」與「受苦」;他透過小說的劇情鋪陳,以隱喻的方式探索超越無盡生命的「輪迴」、「無常」、「無我」與「涅槃」…等等議題。 本論文將從〈來自舊金山的紳士〉、〈幽暗的林蔭道〉、〈葉拉金案〉、〈旱谷莊園〉、〈村〉、〈托爾斯泰的解脫〉六部作品做思想性的探討,挖掘其作品中所隱藏的佛教元素。另外,本文也將探索布寧在其作品中所反映出來的關於「存在」的概念。經過研究,本文發現布寧的宇宙觀與佛教的哲學思想有著契合之處。
Ivan Bunin was the first Russian writer, who won the Nobel Prize in Literature. He was exiled to France in his later years. He was influenced by L.Tolstoy, when he was young, advocating Buddhist thoughts, and then went to India and Ceylon to explore the Buddhist philosophy. Therefore, his works are not only literary artistic, but also famous for his rigorous philosophical thinking. It is generally believed that Bunin's prose and poetry inherit the classical tradition of Russia and reflect the rich feelings of nature and humanity. The beauty of his literary words has been recognized as the most abundant creation in the language and is known as ''Bunin’s Brocade''. The subjects of Bunin's literary works are very rich, including the inevitable “death” and “suffering” in life. Through the stories of the novels, he explores the “reincarnation”, “impermanence”, “Annata”, “Nirvana” and so on beyond the endless life through metaphorical means. This article will be an ideological discussion from the six works of «The Gentleman from San Francisco», «Dark Avenues», «The Elagin Affair», «Dry Valley», «The Village» and «Tolstoy's Relief», in which the Buddhist elements were hidden. In addition, this article will also explore the concept of “existence” reflected in Bunin's work. After research, this paper finds that Bunin's cosmology has a fit with Buddhism's philosophy
起訖頁 37-74
關鍵詞 俄羅斯文學伊凡•布寧佛教生與死Russian literatureI. BuninBuddhismSufferingLife and Death
刊名 俄語學報  
期數 202006 (30期)
出版單位 國立政治大學斯拉夫語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 季娜‧魯賓娜《科爾多瓦的白鴿》中隱喻之功能特點——以概念隱喻及概念融合理論探析
該期刊-下一篇 古米廖夫詩作中的神祕學元素




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