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The Process of Rural Migrant Works’ Flow and Economic Development in Mainland China
作者 劉衛邦
Before the reform and opening up policy in mainland China, peasants could not leave from the countryside, could not move freely, and were more difficult to enter the city. The promotion of the rural contracted responsibility system not only rushes to the political and economic integration system of the people's communes, but also sets off comprehensive changes in the rural areas of the mainland. From the improvement of rural productivity, the transfer of rural surplus labor, to the wave of development of migrant workers into the industrialization and urbanization of the mainland, this surging labor force can be clearly seen. According to the development experience of other parts of the world and relevant development economics theories, we can use it to understand the trend of labor transfer between urban and rural areas in China; but because of the unique household registration management system and rural land use system, the movement of migrant workers in mainland China and other The area presents different styles. The purpose of this paper is to take into account the differences in institutional environment in which the rural labor force in the mainland is based on the theory of development economics, to explain the characteristics of the stage of the migrant workers in the mainland, and to explore its impact on the economic development of the mainland.
起訖頁 1-41
關鍵詞 剩餘勞動力劉易斯拐點戶籍制度土地承包制度Surplus LaborLewis Turning PointHousehold Registration SystemLand Contracting System
刊名 東亞研究  
期數 201912 (50:2期)
出版單位 國立政治大學東亞研究所
該期刊-下一篇 為什麼中國大陸的「計畫生育」政策持續如此之久?——人口政策改革的政治經濟分析




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