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The China Studies that Melds Area Studies with Disciplinary Orientation:A Case Study of the English works by the Academic Community of the Contemporary Graduate Institute of East Asian Studies
作者 蔡文軒寇健文
政治大學東亞研究所建立於1968年。當時是在冷戰與兩岸對峙的格局下,台灣需要培養研析中國大陸情勢發展的專業人才,因此建立該所。1990年代冷戰結束,加上台灣高等教育環境改變,東亞所也因應大環境的變遷而調整走向。在過去五十年中,東亞所的中國研究揉合區域研究與學科導向。本文分析以東亞所學術社群在《The China Quarterly》、《The China Journal》與《Journal of Contemporary China》三份期刊發表的文章與其特色,並討論東亞所在學術發展上面臨的新挑戰。
The Graduate Institute of East Asian Studies at Chengchi University was founded in 1986. As Mainland China posed a considerable threat to Taiwan in the Cold War, the government of Taiwan found it necessary to establish the institute for the cultivation of professionals able to compile and analyze information on Mainland China. After the end of the Cold War, the Institute of East Asian Studies began a shift toward scholarly research in response to both the cessation of these needs and changes in Taiwan’s higher education. In the fifty years of its development, China studies at the institute have moved to and from area and discipline-based studies. This study aims to discuss the content and nature of academic papers submitted by the institute’s academic community to three distinguished periodicals: The China Quarterly, the China Journal, and the Journal of Contemporary China. In addition, this study aims to discuss how the institute deals with challenges in its academic development.
起訖頁 53-82
關鍵詞 東亞研究所政治大學中國大陸研究兩岸關係吳俊才China studiesGraduate Institute of East Asian Studiessociology of knowledgearea studiesdiscipline-based research
刊名 東亞研究  
期數 201812 (49:2期)
出版單位 國立政治大學東亞研究所
該期刊-上一篇 政治大學東亞研究所中共黨史課程的回顧與考察:設置、傳承和影響
該期刊-下一篇 尋求學術研究與政策分析平衡的中國研究:政治大學東亞研究所的志業




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