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Economic Power Implication of China’s Belt and Road Initiative: A View from Structural Power
作者 趙文志
中國大陸舉辦第一屆一帶一路高峰會時,總共有二十九個國家元首、一百三十多個國家代表參與,顯示中國大陸推動的一帶一路受到國際社會的矚目。中國大陸是在2013年9月與10月時,由國家主席習近平訪問哈薩克與印尼時提出一帶一路的構想,並隨後在參加APEC領袖會議時,正式表達出中國大陸將要推動「一帶一路」(One Belt One Road, OBOR)的政治宣示。整個規劃目標是貫穿歐亞大陸,其中一帶是從西安出發,沿著河西走廊,途經中亞與西亞到達歐洲大陸;而一路則是經過麻六甲海峽西進緬甸與孟加拉,再取道東非,最後從地中海進入歐洲,分別稱之陸上的「絲綢之路經濟帶」與海洋的「21世紀海上絲綢之路」。中國大陸一再對外宣示,一帶一路是在促進各經濟體之間的合作並加強各國聯繫,希望透過經濟合作、能源與基礎建設達成共同繁榮目標,以「五通」,就是政策溝通、設施聯通、貿易暢通、資金融通,和民心相通,做為推動方向。一帶一路是中國大陸近年來推動的重要國際工程,除了具有重要經濟意義外,更具有國際政治的意義。本文試圖從權力的角度去分析與詮釋一帶一路的權力意涵,以Susan Strange的結構性權力觀點提出中國大陸推動一帶一路的經濟權力意涵。
There were 29 national leaders and more than 130 state representatives attended first Belt and Road Summit held in China. It shows the project was attracted global attention. While Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit in Kazakhstan and Indonesia in September and October 2013, he proposed two concepts of “The Silk Road Economic Belt” and “The 21st Century Maritime Silk Road,” the so-called OBOR initiative. Then, when Xi participated annual APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting, he expressed that China will promote the OBOR initiative. The overall goal of the OBOR is going through Eurasia, in which the “One Belt” will start from Xi’an along the Hexi corridor, via Central Asia and the West to reach the European continent. The “One Road” will go through the Malacca Strait then toward Myanmar and Bangladesh, and then by way of East Africa, and finally get into Europe from the Mediterranean. Chinese government adopted “Five Forms of Communications” (wu tong) as the cooperative emphasis of the OBOR, including: policy coordination, facilities connectivity, unimpeded trade, financial integration and people-to-people bonds to reach the goal of co-prosperity and enhancing connection of states along belt and road. Belt and Road initiative is an important international project for China. The initiative has not only economic implication, but also international political meaning for the world. The paper analysis and interpret China’s belt and road initiative from the view of Susan Strange’s structural power theory.
起訖頁 1-24
關鍵詞 經濟權力一帶一路亞投行結構性權力Economic PowerBelt and Road InitiativeAIIBStructural Power
刊名 國際關係學報  
期數 202006 (49期)
出版單位 國立政治大學外交學系
該期刊-下一篇 歐盟亞洲策略之研究:以歐盟對東南亞國協政策為例




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