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Consensus without Consensus? A Public Internet Questionnaire Regarding Cross-Strait 92 Consensus
作者 李宜芳楊仕樂
The ''92 Consensus'' is highly controversial in Taiwan and the key indicator identifying the political positions. The pan-blue camp thinks that the ''92 consensus'' means that there is only ''one China,'' but the two sides of Taiwan Strait have different interpretations regarding ''China.'' Taiwan side asserts that one China is ''Republic of China.'' As for the pan-green camp, it believes that the ''1992 consensus'' does not exist at all, and there is no room for different interpretations regarding one ''China,'' which is exactly the ''People's Republic of China.'' The results of the 2016 presidential election in Taiwan seemly suggested that the majority of Taiwanese did not support the ''92 consensus.'' Is that true? This study argues that opposition to ''92 consensus'' is actually due to a lack of information and political ideology. With good explanations and clarifications, Taiwanese people's support to ''92 consensus'' will be greatly increased.
起訖頁 47-95
關鍵詞 兩岸關係九二共識一中各表族群認同台灣Cross-Strait Relations92 ConsensusOne China with Respective InterpretationsEthnic IdentityTaiwan
刊名 國際關係學報  
期數 201806 (45期)
出版單位 國立政治大學外交學系
該期刊-上一篇 冷戰後俄印關係的演變與侷限




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