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The Trump Factor in India-Taiwan Relations
作者 史瓦朗辛
印度與台灣雖無正式的外交關係,但由於台灣是印度自1990年代初推出「東望政策」(Look East policy)的對象,所以雙方已發展出相當寬廣而暢旺的互動,今日的雙邊伙伴關係已含括多面向,如經濟、產業、貿易、觀光與教育等。過去三年印台皆出現政權轉移,2014年6月莫迪(Narendra Modi)崛起成為總理,而台灣蔡英文2016年5月就任總統,兩位領導人不約而同地先後都推出「東進政策」(Act East policy)與新南向政策(New Southbound Policy),創造出拓展與深化對外關係的新管道。此外,中國藉推動「一帶一路」地緣經濟策略來確保其和平崛起以及川普(Donald Trump)因素都為印台關係的強化提供新契機,如2016年印台簽署航空服務協定、農業合作議定書與鐵路合作意向書以及去年在新德里成立的台灣校友會(Taiwan Alumni Association)等。
Though India and Taiwan have no official diplomatic relations yet, as part of India's 'Look East' policy since early 1990s, the two have evolved fairly widespread and robust interactions and their partnerships today span across multiple fields like economics, industry, trade, tourism and education. As early as in 1995 the two had formalised establishment of India-Taipei Association in Taipei and Taipei Economic and Cultural Centre in New Delhi as their informal embassies which have been expanded and upgraded over these years. More recently, with the change of political leadership in India since May 2014 and in Taiwan since May 2016, their respective 'Act East' policy and 'New Southbound Policy' have created several new avenues for their expanding and deepening relationship which remains part of Taiwan's growing engagement with several other nations and international organisations.
起訖頁 101-119
關鍵詞 印度台灣川普一中政策
刊名 國際關係學報  
期數 2017 (44期)
出版單位 國立政治大學外交學系
該期刊-上一篇 北韓邁向擁核國的戰略同盟:北韓與中國與俄羅斯間戰略物資貿易之剖析




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