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The China Factor in India's Strategic Engagement in Asia-Pacific
作者 古麻蘇冉
進入廿一世紀以來,由於中國與印度先後崛起,且兩國不僅是經濟崛起,同時軍事力量亦大幅提升,亞太地區因而成為各國矚目的焦點,尤其是美國的關注。美國歐巴馬(Barack Obama)總統深感中國崛起對美國維持亞太霸權構成挑戰,因而採取重返亞洲(Pivot to Asia)的策略。此外,在中國因素的驅動下,印度對亞太地區也轉趨積極交往,但迄今仍未達成其目標。印度與亞太地區強化關係的主要的可能選項:參與美國重返亞洲的策略、加強美日印澳四國民主聯盟(US-Japan-India-Australia Quadrilateral)與中國合作。由於印度與中國進行大規模合作的可能性不大,為保護本身利益,印度在亞太地區要做的是一面與中國交往,一面透過多邊合作架構防止中國侵略或主控此一地區,以確保區域的和平與繁榮。換言之,印度所追求的在形塑中的國際權力均衡體系裡擁有強權的地位與角色取決於亞太地區的成長、和平與穩定。
Generally, the current century is regarded as the Asian Century or the ''rise of the rest''. This is because there has been a visible shift of economic and political power from West to East in the recent decades. The international security environment is also witnessing a power shift from the West to Asia. The West itself is increasingly concerned over Asia's growing consciousness, identity, and its economic, military and political gravity. China, India and some of the South East Asian countries have been rapidly rising. But it is China's. rise that has become a major concern for the global and regional powers of the world. This is due to China's annual economic growth that has exceeded 10 per cent in the last two decades, though this growth rate is currently declining.
起訖頁 21-47
關鍵詞 印度東望政策東進政策莫迪IndiaChinaAsia PacificNarendra Modi
刊名 國際關係學報  
期數 2017 (43期)
出版單位 國立政治大學外交學系
該期刊-上一篇 印度的東進政策:莫迪政府的期中評估
該期刊-下一篇 21世紀印度與南韓關係:從戰略伙伴到特殊戰略伙伴




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