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Dragon in Unfamiliar Waters: China's Pacific Islands Dilemma
作者 林廷輝
China has eight allies and Taiwan has six in the Pacific Ocean. For China, this region is an important diplomatic battlefield. On the strategic perspective, if China wants to become a sea power, the pacific islands are important strongholds due to their strategic values. However, there are few Chinese academic articles touching upon these topics. In western scholars' opinions, they are divided two groups: one group believes that China will challenge the U.S. and other traditional powers; the other group believes that China's influence is still weak in this region. During 2006-2009, some anti-Chinese violence were happened in Solomon Islands, Tonga and Papua New Guinea. At that time, the People's Republic of China supported Fiji's military regime not to restore democracy after 2006 coup d'etat. Therefore, this article appears different opinions about the relationship between China and Pacific islands, and attempts from the realism of the national interests and power of point of view, supported by foreign examples to illustrate the difficulties. The conclusion is that China still covets the strategic values of the Pacific islands, but its role of a traditional land power in the world, it cannot grasp the pulse of the pacific islands culture to make it effective as an international political power, resulting in temporary ''bide its time and hide its capabilities'' (tao guang yang hui) in China's foreign policy.
起訖頁 55-104
關鍵詞 北望政策中國與太平洋島國國家利益權力韜光養晦Look North PolicyChina and Pacific IslandsNational InterestPowerbide its time and hide its capabilities (tao guang yang hui)
刊名 國際關係學報  
期數 201007 (30期)
出版單位 國立政治大學外交學系
該期刊-上一篇 歐盟在朝鮮半島的安全角色:從KEDO的功能論之
該期刊-下一篇 區域間主義(Inter-regionalism)與國際社會化(International Socialization)──以歐盟、北美與東亞區域「三元體」互動之探討




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