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UN and Peace building: The Case of Sierra Leone
作者 林佾靜
「建立和平」(peacebuilding)係聯合國90年代處理失敗國家(failed states)衝突危機之新作法,對照傳統維持和平(peacekeeping)模式強調軍事介入與政治安排以降低或結束衝突,建立和平則是重視如何防範衝突復發,其策略在於正視衝突發生源頭,並透過各項制度安排,提供解決國內緊張關係另一種非武力途徑,並創造發展和平關係之環境。冷戰終結,國際情勢丕變,失敗國家內部衝突往往升高成大規模武裝對抗,國家因長期動亂,法治與安全瓦解,發生於國內之內戰、族群殺害、恐怖主義、非法武器交易、難民潮、疾病擴散等,對區域及國際安全皆造成重大威脅,即使聯合國介入控制衝突情勢,並無法有效防止衝突復發。90年代聯合國維和行動備受批評,歷經國際壓力及內部檢討,聯合國展開大規模改革進程,因應失敗國家策略,逐漸從衝突解決擴展至衝突根治,並提倡建立永續和平(sustainable peace),而達成策略在於正視各別國家衝突成因,規劃總體和平工作計畫,整合不同行動者(actor)的力量,建立國際合作架構,有效集結及運用國際各界資源,整體而言就是建立和平的作法。歷經前任聯合國秘書長蓋里(Boutros Boutros-Ghali)及安南(Kofi Anna)積極作為,建立和平逐漸成為聯合國衝突管理的重要思維,更落實於制度架構之中,2005年12月聯合國成立「和平建立委員會」(Peacebuilding Commission),作為整合各國及國際組織和平計畫活動之協調中樞,說明聯合國實踐建立和平理念的努力與決心。本文以聯合國在獅子山(Sierra Leone)長達10年和平任務(包括維持和平及建立和平),提供研究者觀察聯合國對於和平工作思維與作法轉變軌跡,也呈現維持和平與建立和平兩者差異。
Peacebuilding is a conflict-preventing initiative adopted by the United Nations in coping with failed states. As compared with the traditional model-peacekeeping with the focus on military intervention and political arrangement, peacebuilding emphasizes security (broadly defined), socioeconomic, and psychological involvement all packed into a holistic policy, and mid- and long-term program activities designed for the reconstruction of state capacity and social order as a whole. Faced with the chaos caused by internal conflicts within the failed states during the 1990s, the UN has realized the weakness of the conventional peacekeeping approach and has begun exploring other effective alternatives. The implementation of peacebuilding shows the change in peace and security concept and activities within the UN, a shift from the thinking of conflict-resolving to - eradiating. In view of the racial, religious and social complexity embedded in internal conflict within a fragile or collapsing state, the peacebuilding strategy is designed to sweeping out the roots of conflict as a foundation of breeding sustainable peace. In recent years, the UN has made many efforts to conceptualize peacebuilding and put it into practice. The establishment of the Peacebuilding Commission in 2005 demonstrates the UN's commitment to the institutionalization of peacebuilding activities. The UN's peace activities in Sierra Leone since 1998 provide the researchers and decision-makers a lucid picture to observe the concept transformation from peacekeeping to peacebuilding in dealing with failed states. This paper will explore how peacebuilding is integrated into the UN's conflict management policy and how it is implemented, and finally review whether it is effective in ''saving'' failed states.
起訖頁 117-160
關鍵詞 維持和平建立和平失敗國家聯合國駐獅子山軍事觀察團聯合國駐獅子山維和行動聯合國獅子山任務整合組織peacekeepingpeacebuildingfailed stateUNOMSIL UNAMSILUNIOSIL
刊名 國際關係學報  
期數 200901 (27期)
出版單位 國立政治大學外交學系
該期刊-上一篇 太平洋區域整合現況與挑戰:從太平洋島國推動「太平洋計畫」(the Pacific Plan)角度觀之
該期刊-下一篇 愛滋病對國家安全之挑戰:以波茲瓦那為例




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