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Molecular identification, mating type, and fungicide sensitivity of Pyricularia oryzae isolates from Taiwan
作者 段中漢陳冠穎 (Kuan- Ying Chen)
稻熱病為臺灣水稻主要病害之一,常對水稻產量造成損失。本研究以分離自全臺各地水稻葉片之28株稻熱病菌單孢菌株分別探討其分子分類、配對型及對殺菌劑之感受性。供試菌株以核糖體核酸內轉錄間隔區 (ITS)、肌動蛋白基因 (ACT) 及鈣調蛋白基因 (CAL) 等三種核酸序列鏈結作親緣關係分析,結果顯示其均為Pyricularia oryzae並與P. grisea分屬不同演化支。藉聚合酶連鎖反應(PCR)測其配對型,證實供試菌株全屬Mat1-1。以微量滴定板法測試稻熱病菌對殺菌劑及酸性化食品防腐劑之感受性,則顯示各種藥劑對抑制孢子發芽、菌絲生長及附著器形成等功效存有明顯差異。在抑制孢子發芽方面,鋅錳乃浦及三種酸性化食品防腐劑:苯甲酸鈉、丙酸鈣及己二烯酸鉀,均能完全抑制各菌株之孢子發芽;依普座效果亦佳,丙基喜樂松及撲殺熱也能抑制半數以上菌株之孢子發芽。在抑制菌絲生長方面,三種酸性化食品防腐劑、依普座、鋅錳乃浦及撲克拉等藥劑均具完全抑制作用;貝芬替、克熱淨及得克利也能抑制大部分菌株之生長,護粒松、丙基喜樂松及百克敏能抑制約三分之一菌株生長。三賽唑及芬諾尼對稻熱病菌已發芽孢子的附著器形成具完全抑制作用。
Pyricularia oryzae is a filamentous phytopathogen of rice fields worldwide, causing considerable losses to rice production. In the present study, 28 field isolates of rice blast pathogen representing all regions of paddies in Taiwan were assessed for their taxon, mating type, and fungicide sensitivity. All isolates were identified as P. oryzae and significantly different from P. grisea based on the concatenate sequences of internal transcribed spacer, actin, and calmodulin genes. Only Mat1-1 mating type was present among all test isolates based on polymerase chain reaction assays. According to microtiter plate assays, mancozeb and acidified calcium propionate, potassium sorbate, and sodium benzoate each could completely inhibit conidial germination and mycelial growth of all isolates. In addition, epoxiconazole followed by iprobenfos and probenazole exhibited a good inhibition effect on their spore germination. On the other hand, epoxiconazole and prochloraz could inhibit mycelial growth of all isolates, and carbendazim, iminoctadine tris (albesilate), and tebuconazole inhibit the growth of most isolates. Besides, fenoxanil and tricyclazole inhibited appressorium formation showing great potential in controlling the rice blast.
起訖頁 33-42
關鍵詞 稻熱病菌配對型殺菌劑fungicide sensitivitymating typePyricularia oryzae
刊名 植物醫學  
期數 202303 (65:1期)
出版單位 中華植物保護學會
該期刊-上一篇 台灣蔬菜細菌性軟腐病菌之物種多樣性




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