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The Criticism of Maoshi Zhengyi in Kōko Niida’s Mōshi Hoden
作者 張文朝
本文主要目的在探討日本江戶後期古義學者仁井田好古如何對孔《疏》進行批判。好古所批判的大多是「訓詁音釋、文字異同、名物委曲」之屬,經調查得 100例,將之分成:好古對孔《疏》「解《傳》」、「解《箋》」、「合《傳》、《箋》作解」、「不依《傳》、《箋》作解」、「不依〈序〉作解」、「依《爾雅》、《說文》作解」之批判等六項,舉其中 33 例分析。筆者認為好古對孔《疏》的批判屬於合理者達 18 例,但難以成立的也有 15 例。好古在批判孔《疏》之際,間有引他人之說以為己意,值得注意的是引徐鼎、陳啟源、段玉裁等清儒的意見,可見好古對當時中國學術界的動向頗為留意。好古對同屬漢學《詩經》系統的孔《疏》提出批判,以期「通暢毛義」,足見其用心與苦心。
The main purpose of this article is to explore how Kōko criticized Kong’s Shu. It is believed that most of what Kōko criticized was the exegesis and transliteration, similarities and differences in words, and meaning and origin of naming items. After the investigation of 100 cases were obtained and divided into six categories: Kōko’s criticism of Kong’s Shu interpretation of Zhuan, the interpretation of Jian, the interpretation according to Zhuan and Jian, the interpretation not according to Zhuan and Jian, the interpretation not according to “Preface”, and the criticism of the interpretation according to Erya and Shuowen. In this article, thirty-three cases were analyzed. The author believed that Kōko’s criticism of Kong’s Shu was wise up to eighteen cases, but there were also fifteen cases that were untenable. Moreover, when Kōko criticized Kong’s Shu, he occasionally quoted other scholars’ opinions as his own ideas, particularly the opinions of Qing Confucian scholars, including Xu Ding, Chen Qiyuan, Duan Yucai, etc., which Kōko had quoted in the Mōshi Hoden, which showed that Kōko paid considerable attention to the trends in Chinese academic world at that time. Kōko criticize Kong’s Shu belonging to the sinology Shijing system in order to “explicate Mao Yi”, which shows his efforts and painstaking efforts.
起訖頁 153-194
關鍵詞 仁井田好古孔穎達《毛詩補傳》《毛詩正義》孔《疏》Kōko NiidaKong Ying DaMōshi HodenMaoshi ZhengyiKong's Shu
刊名 成大中文學報  
期數 202212 (79期)
出版單位 國立成功大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 九州龜門《春秋左傳》學之解經立場、方法與定位──以其考辨《左傳‧隱公》杜註為例
該期刊-下一篇 尋找終極的精神故鄉:楊牧文學觀中浪漫、現代、古典及傳統的融會




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