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The Study of College Students' Moral Judgment on Care vs Justice Dilemmas
作者 黃崇恩陳煥文
The purpose of this research is to employ a scale of daily life dilemmas about care vs justice conflicts to explore the psychometric properties of the scale and understand the tendency of college students’moral reasoning about care vs justice dilemmas. This study also investigated the effect of relations with different intimacy distance on the characteristics of the response patterns of subjects’moral judgments under different situations.
Based on empirical data of 203 subjects, two factors, namely positive favoring of resource distribution and partiality toward acts of infringement of rights, were extracted from factor analysis. The results indicated that the performance of college students on the scale, in general, tended to be slightly care-oriented. In addition, subjects’responses would vary depending on the different situations of dilemmas and relations of intimacy distance. Whether respondents are situated in the dilemmas may also have effects on generating different responses. The proportions of making care judgments range, on average, from 60% to 65% across different situations for the relations of close friends, siblings, and parents. The proportions of making care judgments decrease quickly to 25% for the relation of normal friends, forming a clear-cut boundary line with those obtained from the relations of close friends, siblings, and parents.
起訖頁 41-68
關鍵詞 正義道德思維道德判斷兩難關懷justicemoral reasoningmoral dilemmascare
刊名 教育學誌  
期數 202211 (48期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學教育學系
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