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Research on the Legal System of Local Financial Supervision
作者 劉春陽
With the rapid development of new local financial organizations and the continuous emergence of new business formats such as Internet finance, financial instability factors increase, online lending, illegal fundraising, and hidden risks of various local exchanges. The local area has become an important battle to prevent and resolve financial risks. battlefield. Studying the actual difficulties, deep-seated reasons and optimization paths of local financial supervision will not only help local financial supervision bureaus improve their own supervision quality and efficiency, but also help the central government speed up the progress of local financial legislation, strengthen the coordination of financial supervision between the central and local governments, and ultimately ensure Local financial development is stable. In the context of the rapid expansion of local financial organizations and the gradual exposure of local financial risks, in order to prevent and defuse major financial risks, the formation and improvement of the central and local two-tier financial supervision systems have been continuously promoted. However, due to the non-institutionalized characteristics of China's financial decentralization and the lack of effective incentives for local government financial supervision and other reasons, local financial supervision bureaus still face many difficulties in their supervision practices. Especially in recent years, the importance of local financial supervision has become increasingly prominent, but the contradiction between financial stability and financial development in local financial supervision has led to the absence of supervision, and the contradiction between territorial supervision and national operations has made it difficult to consolidate risk disposal responsibilities, and prudential supervision and behavior The contradiction between supervision weakens the protection of the rights and interests of financial consumers. The reason is that the behavior boundaries of the central and local governments are not clear enough, the incentive and restraint mechanism of the central government to the local governments has not been fully functional, and the distribution of regulatory resources is uneven. Therefore, it combines the United States and Japan. The regulatory experience of other countries, from the coordination of central-local relations, the distribution of local financial regulatory powers, the implementation of local regulatory responsibilities, and the enhancement of local financial regulatory capabilities, are based on legal authorization, functional positioning, regulatory coordination, and regulatory technology application. From the perspective, systematically analyze the current difficulties faced by China's local financial supervision and the underlying reasons for the difficulties, and propose an optimized path to improve the local financial supervision system in the future.
起訖頁 61-77
關鍵詞 金融監管地方金融法律授權Financial SupervisionLocal FinanceLegal Authorization
刊名 財金法學研究  
期數 202209 (5:2期)
出版單位 中華財金法學會
該期刊-上一篇 從文化憲法建構文化權利入憲──以釋字第八一三號解釋為例
該期刊-下一篇 論法律仲裁與衡平仲裁──兼提出修法之建議




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