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On the Syntactic Category and Morphological Status of Localizers in Mandarin Chinese
作者 梁瑀庭何萬順
In Chinese linguistics, “localizers” is an accepted term referring to a set of morphemes indicating the relative location or place of an object; however, not only is a precise definition not available in related literature, but the precise syntactic category and morphological status of localizers are both controversial. The purpose of this paper is to examine these issues systematically and offer a comprehensive and insightful account. We first define a localizer as the locative argument of preposition zai’s 在 “at,” whose reference relies on a preceding nominal antecedent. The locative inversion construction then serves as a further test for localizers. As for their morphological status, we examine the three possibilities: word, clitic, and affix. The results of three different tests, namely conjunction, short answer, and de 的 insertion, show that localizers with two or more syllables are all words, while monosyllabic localizers are in general clitics, except in highly restricted contexts where some may be words. All localizers are nominals, thus being neither postpositions nor another independent syntactic category.
起訖頁 297-320
關鍵詞 方位詞詞類詞態屬性附著語素localizersyntactic categorymorphological statusclitic
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 202303 (41:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 晚清北洋翻譯官曾蘭生研究(1875-1895)
該期刊-下一篇 評李猛,《齊梁皇室的佛教信仰與撰述》




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