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The Local Deity Worship and Teochew Community: The Study of Datuk Kong Belief in Parit Buntar of Malaysia
作者 連慧茵陳愛梅
From homeland to‘othering’land, the Chinese moved to Nanyang to seek their fortunes. They were facing the threats not only in crossing the South China Sea, but also in cleaning and exploration the new land. They brought along the belief from their hometowns, for both nostalgia of hometown and blessing. Trace the Malaya Chinese migration history, the deity worship always connected with regional dialects based. For instance, Teochew community worshiped the Xuantian Shangdi; Cantonese worship Guandi. Parit Buntar of Malaysia is a Teochew dominant society but there are no Teochew protected deities found. Since 19th the Chinese cultivate this area, there are no regional, consanguinity or guild association. Datuk Kong, the localised deity became core of the Chinese society, with the laureate of“Local Lord”as society cohesion and inheritance of Teochew culture. The purpose of the research is to probe into the interaction between local deity with the Chinese society, by studying Parit Buntar and Datuk Gong temple. The paper will discuss the rising the local deity, transformation of deity worshipped by Malaysia Teochew community, and the phenomena of the Teochew society worship Datuk Kong as Local Lord.
起訖頁 41-67
關鍵詞 潮州社群拿督公地頭老爺Local WorshipTeochew CommunityDatuk KongMaster Local Lord
刊名 臺灣東南亞學刊  
期數 202204 (17:1期)
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學東南亞研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 傳承、開拓與風範:楊忠禮的傳承觀與興學辦教成就探微
該期刊-下一篇 1959年馬來亞「聯盟危機事件」:陳修信、楊邦孝與林蒼佑的呼應與取捨




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