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YNU-HPCC at ROCLING 2022 Shared Task: A Transformer-based Model with Focal Loss and Regularization Dropout for Chinese Healthcare Named Entity Recognition
YNU-HPCC at ROCLING 2022 Shared Task: A Transformer-based Model with Focal Loss and Regularization Dropout for Chinese Healthcare Named Entity Recognition
作者 Xiang Luo (Xiang Luo)Jin Wang (Jin Wang)Xuejie Zhang (Xuejie Zhang)
Named Entity Recognition (NER) is a fundamental task in information extraction that locates the mentions of named entities and classifies them in unstructured texts. Previous studies typically used hidden Markov model (HMM) and conditional random fields (CRF) for NER. To learn long-distance dependencies in text, recurrent neural networks, e.g., LSTM and GRU can extract the semantic features for each token with a sequential manner. Based on Transformers, this paper describes the contribution to ROCLING-2022 Share Task. This paper adopts a transformer-based model with focal Loss and regularization dropout. The focal loss is to overcome the uneven distribution of the label. The regularization dropout (r-drop) is to address the problem of vocabulary and descriptions that are too domain-specific. The ensemble learning is to improve the performance of the model. Comparative experiments were conducted on dev set to select the model with the best performance for submission. That is, BERT model with BiLSTM-CRF, focal loss and R-Drop has achieved the best F1-score of 0.7768 and rank the 4th place.
起訖頁 335-342
關鍵詞 Chinese Healthcare Named Entity RecognitionSequence LabelingInformation ExtractionTransformersConditional Random Fields
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 202212 (2022期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 SCU-MESCLab at ROCLING-2022 Shared Task: Named Entity Recognition Using BERT Classifier
該期刊-下一篇 基於語言模型與詞典方法的三種命名實體辨識模型架構之比較




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