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A Quantitative Analysis of Comparison of Emoji Sentiment: Taiwan Mandarin Users and English Users
A Quantitative Analysis of Comparison of Emoji Sentiment: Taiwan Mandarin Users and English Users
作者 Fang-Yu Chang (Fang-Yu Chang)
Emojis have become essential components in our digital communication. Emojis, especially smiley face emojis and heart emojis, are considered the ones conveying more emotions. In this paper, two functions of emoji usages are discussed across two languages, Taiwanese Mandarin and English. The first function discussed here is sentiment enhancement and the other is sentiment modification. Multilingual language model is adopted for seeing the probability distribution of the text sentiment, and relative entropy is used to quantify the degree of changes. The results support the previous research that emojis are more frequently-used in positive contexts, smileys tend to be used for expressing emotions and prove the language-independent nature of emojis.
起訖頁 283-288
關鍵詞 emojisentiment enhancementsentiment modification
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 202212 (2022期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 利用監督式對比學習來建構增強型的自迴歸文件檢索器
該期刊-下一篇 應用自動資訊擷取於故事書問答生成之研究




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