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A Dimensional Valence-Arousal-Irony Dataset for Chinese Sentence and Context
A Dimensional Valence-Arousal-Irony Dataset for Chinese Sentence and Context
作者 Sheng-Wei Huang (Sheng-Wei Huang)Wei-Yi Chung (Wei-Yi Chung)Yu-Hsuan Wu (Yu-Hsuan Wu)Chen-Chia Yu (Chen-Chia Yu)Jheng-Long Wu (Jheng-Long Wu)
Chinese multi-dimensional sentiment detection is a challenging task with a considerable impact on semantic understanding. Past irony datasets are utilized to annotate sentiment type of whole sentences of irony. It does not provide the corresponding intensity of valence and arousal on the sentences and context. However, an ironic statement is defined as a statement whose apparent meaning is the opposite of its actual meaning. This means that in order to understand the actual meaning of a sentence, contextual information is needed. Therefore, the dimensional sentiment intensities of ironic sentences and context are important issues in the natural language processing field. This paper creates the extended NTU irony corpus, which includes valence, arousal and irony intensities on sentence-level; and valence and arousal intensities on context-level, called Chinese Dimensional Valence-Arousal-Irony (CDVAI) dataset. Therefore, this paper analyzes the annotation difference between the human annotators and uses a deep learning model such as BERT to evaluate the prediction performances on CDVAI corpus.
起訖頁 147-154
關鍵詞 Irony annotationDimensional valance-arousal-ironySentiment analysisDeep learning
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 202212 (2022期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 結構性重參數化VGG架構之輕量化聲音事件偵測模型
該期刊-下一篇 智慧未來休憩港灣應用服務:以高雄亞灣為例建構複合休憩知識圖譜




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