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Analyzing discourse functions with acoustic features and phone embeddings: non-lexical items in Taiwan Mandarin
Analyzing discourse functions with acoustic features and phone embeddings: non-lexical items in Taiwan Mandarin
作者 Pin-Er Chen (Pin-Er Chen)Yu-Hsiang Tseng (Yu-Hsiang Tseng)Chi-Wei Wang (Chi-Wei Wang)Fang-Chi Yeh (Fang-Chi Yeh)Shu-Kai Hsieh (Shu-Kai Hsieh)
Non-lexical items are expressive devices used in conversations that are not words but are nevertheless meaningful. These items play crucial roles, such as signaling turn-taking or marking stances in interactions. However, as the non-lexical items do not stably correspond to written or phonological forms, past studies tend to focus on studying their acoustic properties, such as pitches and durations. In this paper, we investigate the discourse functions of nonlexical items through their acoustic properties and the phone embeddings extracted from a deep learning model. Firstly, we create a non-lexical item dataset based on the interpellation video clips from Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan. Then, we manually identify the non-lexical items and their discourse functions in the videos. Next, we analyze the acoustic properties of those items through statistical modeling and building classifiers based on phone embeddings extracted from a phone recognition model. We show that (1) the discourse functions have significant effects on the acoustic features; and (2) the classifiers built on phone embeddings perform better than the ones on conventional acoustic properties. These results suggest that phone embeddings may reflect the phonetic variations crucial in differentiating the discourse functions of non-lexical items.
起訖頁 138-146
關鍵詞 non-lexical itemdiscourse functionacoustic propertyacoustic representationpragmatics
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 202212 (2022期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 運用響應式知識蒸餾機制增進中文多標籤文本分類效能
該期刊-下一篇 運用響應式知識蒸餾機制增進中文多標籤文本分類效能




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