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Exploiting the compressed spectral loss for the learning of the DEMUCS speech enhancement network
作者 Chi-En Dai (Chi-En Dai)Qi-Wei Hong (Qi-Wei Hong)Jeih-Weih Hung (Jeih-Weih Hung)
This study aims to improve a highly effective speech enhancement technique, DEMUCS, by revising the respective loss function in learning. DEMUCS, developed by Facebook Team, is built on the Wave-UNet and consists of convolutional layer encoding and decoding blocks with an LSTM layer in between. Although DEMUCS processes the input speech utterance purely in the time (wave) domain, the applied loss function consists of wavedomain L1 distance and multi-scale shorttime- Fourier-transform (STFT) loss. That is, both time- and frequency-domain features are taken into consideration in the learning of DEMUCS. In this study, we present revising the STFT loss in DEMUCS by employing the compressed magnitude spectrogram. The compression is done by either the powerlaw operation with a positive exponent less than one, or the logarithmic operation. We evaluate the presented novel framework on the VoiceBank-DEMAND database and task. The preliminary experimental results suggest that DEMUCS containing the power-law compressed magnitude spectral loss outperforms the original DEMUCS by providing the test utterances with higher objective quality and intelligibility scores (PESQ and STOI). Relatively, the logarithm compressed magnitude spectral loss does not benefit DEMUCS. Therefore, we reveal that DEMUCS can be further improved by properly revising the STFT terms of its loss function.
起訖頁 100-106
關鍵詞 語音強化DEMUCS短時傅立葉轉換損失函數壓縮頻譜損失對數頻譜距離感知語音品質短時語音可讀性speech enhancementDEMUCSSTFTloss functioncompressed spectral losslogarithmic spectral distancePESQSTOI
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 202212 (2022期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 使用離散小波轉換特徵於Conv-TasNet語音強化模型的初步研究
該期刊-下一篇 以機器學習與規則方法辨識中文民事裁判書結構




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