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The Observation of the Development of Dual-Class Share Structure in Taiwan and China
作者 陳盈如 (Ying-Ju Chen)
Dual-class share structure overturned the traditional corporate law rule of “one vote per share,” through the issuance of multiple-voting right preferred shares, it will meet the needs of the technological innovation industry for a special shareholding structure, resisting hostile mergers and acquisitions, and enabling the management to focus on the long-term development of the company, without having to focus on short-term interests to please shareholders in order to ensure their control of the company. At the end of 2018, after the amendment of the Taiwan Corporation Act, all non-public companies can issue the multiple-voting right preferred shares and enable the dual-class share structure. However, the dual-class structure does not apply to public companies due to concerns of increasing the agency cost and weakening the corporate governance. On the contrary, China took a different approach over the past three years. In general, whether they were either public or non-public corporations, issuance of multiple-voting right preferred shares for Chinese corporations was disallowed. However, by using the exception rules, high-tech companies may file for an IPO on STAR Market at Shanghai Stock Exchange or on ChiNext Market at Shenzhen Stock Exchange with the dual-class share structure. This article will make an introduction and observation regarding the development of dual-class share structure in Taiwan and China to serve as a reference for the design of related systems in Taiwan in the future.
起訖頁 1-15
關鍵詞 雙層股權結構同股不同權一股一表決權複數表決權特別股公司治理Dual-Class Share StructureWeighted Voting RightsOne Vote Per ShareMultiple-Voting Right Preferred SharesCorporate Governance
刊名 財金法學研究  
期數 202103 (4:1期)
出版單位 中華財金法學會
該期刊-下一篇 論我國私立大專校院董事會與校長間之監督考核關係




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