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On the Relationship between Chinese Lyrical Tradition and the Brain's Default Mode Network
作者 蔡振家
Since the 1970s, discourses on lyrical tradition have opened up new horizons for the research of Chinese literature and art, and has far-reaching influences. Yu-Kung Kao pointed out that the aesthetic experience of a lyrical self in a lyrical moment can be preserved in art works through internalization and symbolization. I believe that the Chinese lyrical tradition and the brain's default mode network can shed new light on the interactions between art works and self-consciousness. This article aims to delineate the relationship between Chinese lyrical tradition and the default mode network. The default mode is closely related to mind-wandering. Mental travels involved in regulated verses of the Tang Dynasty and landscape paintings of the Northern Song Dynasty can be regarded as mind-wandering episodes with clear intentions and structures. In lyrical arts, Chinese literati use social history and geographic coordinates as references to pursue self-positioning and life values, while the changes of psychological distance and appreciation perspective during mental travel can make the aesthetic experience alive. The default mode network may play a key role in such experiences.
起訖頁 87-110
關鍵詞 神經科學預設模式抒情自我抒情片刻Neurosciencedefault modelyrical selflyrical moment
刊名 中山人文學報  
期數 202301 (54期)
出版單位 國立中山大學文學院
該期刊-上一篇 榮光不再:《險路勿近》的西部英雄與類型傳統
該期刊-下一篇 知識層面的轉化與開展:評《近代東アジア文明圏の啓蒙家たち》




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