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Showing Strength and Evoking Recognition: The Symbiotic Structure of Malaysian Pop Singers and China's Soft Power
Showing Strength and Evoking Recognition: The Symbiotic Structure of Malaysian Pop Singers and China's Soft Power
作者 HISEH Ching-Kuo (HISEH Ching-Kuo)
軟實力未審視流行文化資源的影響機制,此一間隙顯示流行文化在中馬關係中被嚴重忽視。北京政府表示,「一帶一路」沿線國家可以開展境外文化主題活動,加強合作,共同創作和翻譯高質量的廣播、電影和電視劇。而這些努力將深化人員交流與合作。然而,筆者意欲探討的是容易潛藏在政治和經濟議題下的流行文化問題,尤其是共生體驗。本文以茜拉(Shila Amzah)為主例,依此進一步延伸到已與大馬當地媒體合作或合併的幾個中國主要的影像串流平台。透過提供更多複雜的案例,以及關於馬中之間流行文化和政治的研究理論,來彌補此一忽視。
Soft power does not inspect the mechanisms through which popular cultural resources exert influence, a gap symptomatic of profound neglect of popular culture in China-Malaysia relations. The Beijing government notes that countries along the Belt and Road Initiative can conduct activities on foreign cultural themes and reinforces cooperation in creating and translating high-quality radio broadcasts, films, and TV series. Such efforts will deepen personnel exchange and collaboration. However, I would like to explore popular cultural issues easily hidden amid the political and economic discussions, especially the symbiotic experience. This article takes Shila as the primary example. It then further extends to several major video streaming platforms based in China that have partnered or merged with Malaysia’s local medium to remedy the neglect of the influence of popular culture by offering more complex cases and theorizing about popular culture and politics between Malaysia and China.
起訖頁 23-57
關鍵詞 茜拉軟實力中馬關係共生體驗影像串流平台Shila Amzahsoft powerChina-Malaysia relationssymbiotic experiencevideo streaming platform
刊名 中山人文學報  
期數 202301 (54期)
出版單位 國立中山大學文學院
該期刊-上一篇 《左傳》人物名字考論八則
該期刊-下一篇 榮光不再:《險路勿近》的西部英雄與類型傳統




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