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A Study on the Notification Factors of Human Trafficking-Sexual Exploitation Victims
作者 洪文玲
With fast changes in modern society and economic environments, coupled with the advancement of technological networks, children and adolescents have often become victims of sexual exploitation as they have not reached their maturity of physical and mental developments. According to official statistics, there has been a growing trend in reporting cases of child sexual exploitation over the years. However, domestic research on this topic is still insufficient, especially lacks studies on the dark figure of notifications, hindering our understanding of common features associated with such crime and the development of preventive policies and strategies.
Using Taoyuan City as the research site, this study analyzed data collected from in-depth interviews to report interviewees’ practical experiences with the reporting mechanisms and uncover reasons for variations in data reporting by different channels. This study found that the dark figure of notifications is affected by the following three issues: (1) the differences in case notification and inclusion by each unit, (2) the difficulty of collecting evidence in sexual exploitation cases, and (3) the lack of a victim mentality of children and children. Therefore, based on the study finding, this article puts forward suggestions on the notification process mechanism, so that relevant units can strengthen their prevention and cooperation mechanisms of child sexual exploitation.
起訖頁 3-28
關鍵詞 人口販運性剝削通報黑數human traffickingsexual exploitationreporting dark figure
刊名 中國地方自治  
期數 202302 (76:2期)
出版單位 中國地方自治學會
該期刊-上一篇 政務官與事務官誰適用借調制度
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣大眾媒體假消息散布的政治效應




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