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Bacillus firmus, CGMCC No.1.2010 WP, a potential biocontrol agent against root-knot nematode of tomato in field
作者 蘇俊峯吳秋燕簡蘭懿林宗俊顏志恒
本試驗主要目的為測試堅強芽孢桿菌(Bacillus firmus)在田間防治番茄南方根瘤線蟲(Meloidogyne incognita)病害的可行性評估。試驗以堅強芽孢桿菌>1x10^9 CFU/g可濕性粉劑(B. firmus, CGMCC No.1.2010 WP)400、800、1200倍稀釋液,以500 g/L氟派瑞水懸劑(fluopyram SC)稀釋4,000倍為參考藥劑,並以無菌水作為對照組。田間試驗採逢機完全區集設計,分三場次進行。處理後60天調查田間土壤線蟲蟲口數,結果對照組介於33.6-42.8 nematodes/100 g soil,而堅強芽孢桿菌處理組與氟派瑞處理組,則分別介於20.8-30.8與10.3-22.4 nematodes/100 g soil之間,兩處理組的線蟲數皆與對照組具有顯著差異(p< 0.05)。調查供試番茄植株根部根瘤線蟲的罹病度,結果顯示對照組的罹病度介於43.8-51.6%,而堅強芽孢桿菌處理組與氟派瑞處理組,則分別介於17.1-21.7%與11.2-18.8%之間,兩者的罹病度皆與對照組具有顯著差異(p< 0.05)。進一步分析堅強芽孢桿菌處理組與氟派瑞處理組的根瘤線蟲病害防治率,分別介於58-61%與63.6-76.2%之間。根據以上結果顯示,堅強芽孢桿菌(B. firmus, CGMCC No.1.2010 WP)在田間具有防治番茄根瘤線蟲的潛力。
This study evaluated the application feasibility of a strain of Bacillus firmus, CGMCC No.1.2010 WP, to possess biocontrol activity against root-knot nematode on tomato in greenhouse. Three field trials were conducted in randomized complete block design (RCBD). The B. firmus >1x10^9 CFU/g wettable powder 400-fold, 800-fold, 1200-fold dilutions were used as test group. The reference group was 500 g/L fluopyram SC of 4,000-fold dilution, and sterile water was used as control. Soil nematode numbers of root-knot nematode in the control groups were between 33.6 and 42.8 nematodes/100 g soil 60 days after the experimental treatment, and the numbers in B. firmus groups and fluopyram groups were 20.8-30.8 and 10.3-22.4 nematodes/100 g soil, respectively. Those numbers of nematodes of both treated groups were significantly different from the control group (p<0.05). The disease severities in the control groups were between 43.8% and 51.6%, and the disease severities in B. firmus groups and fluopyram groups were 17.1-21.7% and 11.2-18.8%, respectively. The disease severities of both treated groups were also significantly different from the control group (p<0.05). The disease control rates in the B. firmus groups and fluopyram groups were 58-61% and 63.6-76.2%, respectively. According to the above described results, the B. firmus CGMCC No.1.2010 WP had the potential to control root-knot nematode on tomato in the fields.
起訖頁 159-168
關鍵詞 南方根瘤線蟲番茄堅強芽孢桿菌生物防治Meloidogyne incognitaroot-knot nematodeBacillus firmusSolanum lycopersicumtomatobiological control
刊名 植物醫學  
期數 202212 (64:4期)
出版單位 中華植物保護學會
該期刊-上一篇 Bacillus amyloliquefaciens PMB05粉劑的種子處理於甘藍黑腐病之防治
該期刊-下一篇 中華植物保護學會一百一十年度年會論文摘要




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