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Uncover the Creases and Identify Again──A Discussion of the“Memory Writing”in Several Taiwan 90s Novels
作者 吳旻旻
In 90s, Taiwan society was undergoing transformation. The political order reorganized and the media became well developed. Plenty of information poured in and got eliminated everyday. The frangibility of the memories was evident particularly. This article peruses four 90s fiction: Chu Tien-Hsin's(朱天心)“The Ancient City”(〈古都〉), Li Ong's(李昂)“Tsai-chuang Hsieh-chi”(〈彩妝血祭〉), Ping Lu's(平路)“Ang Shung Yu Shi”(〈暗香餘事〉), Luo Yi-Jun's(駱以軍)“Che Guang”(〈折光〉), and dissects those advanced narrative techniques in their“memory writing”. In this paper, we propose that Chu Tien-Hsin recombined the memories in different periods using the skill of Time Cartography. He struggled against the future with the past by disorganizing the time sequence; By imagination and fiction, Li Ong tried to draw near to the memories about the 228-Incident which was nearly fade away already;“Ang Shung Yu Shi”(Ping Lu)and“Che Guang”(Lo Yi-Jun)exhibited the assault and the divergence of memories respectively. They reconsidered how memories and cognitions construct each other. As the“fiction”, these works show the various possibilities of“memory writing”.
起訖頁 143-178
關鍵詞 小說記憶書寫90年代臺灣memorypolitics of representationEmptiness and Fullness90sTaiwanese Literature
刊名 臺北教育大學語文集刊  
期數 202206 (41期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學語文與創作學系
該期刊-上一篇 用情慾延宕虛無--以沈從文〈看虹錄〉、〈摘星錄〉、〈新摘星錄〉一組文本為中心探析
該期刊-下一篇 苗栗四縣客家話兒向語與成人語陽平調與陰平變調的聲學比較研究




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