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臺北教育大學語文集刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Bu Ji Bu Li, Neng Xie Qi Shen—On the Theatrical Image and Meaning of Yang Wen Cong in“The Peach Blossom Fan”
Past studies on Yang Wen-Cong, a character in the Qing Dynasty chuan qi“The Peach Blossom Fan”, have mostly researched the differences between historical truth and drama, and few of them discussed the image and its creation meaning of Yang as a drama character. This study utilized the text of“The Peach Blossom Fan”and analysed Yang’s actions, dialogues, and interactions with other characters in the drama. From the perspective of composition strategies, the playwright intended to utilize Yang’s nosy personality, linking the relationship between Hou Fan-Yu and Li Xiang-Jun, to the rise and fall of the Southern Ming Dynasty to foreground the protagonist’s character and to construct the structure of the entire drama. As for character’s image, Yang’s diverse features, conducting both good and bad deeds, echoed the playwright’s setting of him being a“jian se”and playing a“mo”role, overturning the traditional theatrical play’s typical design of using stereotypical characters. Thus, only when the readers understand Yang’s fictional components as a drama characters, reference previous historical studies, and understand the balance between fictional and real elements in a drama can they realize the intricate composition that a playwright calls“Bu ji bu li, Neng xie qi shen”, which means whereas adequately describing the historically true images helps to make characters realistic, one must avoid perusing too much details so as not to confuse the role of the character the writer designs.
起訖頁 73-105
關鍵詞 桃花扇楊文驄戲劇形象類型化人物不即不離The Peach Blossom FanYang Wen Congtheatrical imagestereotypical charactersBu ji bu li
刊名 臺北教育大學語文集刊  
期數 202206 (41期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學語文與創作學系
該期刊-上一篇 貴生--《呂氏春秋》的為君之道
該期刊-下一篇 用情慾延宕虛無--以沈從文〈看虹錄〉、〈摘星錄〉、〈新摘星錄〉一組文本為中心探析




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